Sunday, July 26, 2009

Various other things

We harvested our onions - too late, apparently, as I lost about half of the beautiful perfect things to rot. My bad.


They had started to fall over, but the green tops hadn't died off, and for some reason (wrong, apparently) I was thinking I had to leave them in till September or so. My husband brought in the first batch. I nearly had a coniption fit when I saw him walking back up to the house with his arms full of onions.

"What are you doing! They're not ready! They don't have thier paper skins!"

"Some of them are rotting. These were all sitting above ground. I think they're done."

"Then you're not supposed to bring them in. I think you're supposed to pull them up and leave them out there to dry up or something..."

I wasn't really upset with him, of course, but at myself for being so unprepared to deal with them. I went back out the next day and there were two more decent ones, which I pulled up and left to lay there in the hot dirt for the day. They actually dried up on the outside and did get papery, and now they're in the vestibule in front of an open window getting a few more days of hot air.

So the good news is that this is my onion! (Sung to the tune of "This is my country" it's kind of catchy....) The bad news is that I only got half the crop that I should have. The other good news is that I am well-prepared for great improvement next spring, in onions, as in so many other things.....

The yellow wax beans I planted for a second crop of beans are flowering, as are the second crop of bush beans. Good thing too, as the bush beans are only producing about 20% of what they were previously. I was talking to someone at my daughter's dance class who was saying that they don't produce all summer, so maybe it's not just me....

I FINALLY started to get some color action on these Anaheim peppers. Only two, and too late, as they had both already started getting eaten by bugs or succoming to come kind of rot. I am really not having luck with my big peppers. I didn't last year either. I think that IS just me. Jalepenos and Serranos are still kicking.

My cucumbers are dying back. Like the bush beans they've slowed production almost to a halt. Although I truly can't complain. We ate dozens raw, and ended up overall with about 24 or more pints of pickles. Not bad for 3 plants I sprouted from seed!

Here's my basket from yesterday. As I said, no complaints!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so impressed! I really need to think about what I am going to try this fall. You've inspired me to try to make BBQ sauce with me heirlooms.
