Sunday, May 17, 2009

Potato hilling, bush beans sprouting, and more...

Well, it's been a transformative week. I have potato foliage high enough now to start hilling it, although now that I'm at this point I regret having planted the potatoes in hills to start with, as I'm not sure that I've left myself anywhere to go....We'll see.

The big news is that as I mentioned last week I transplanted some zuchinnis and cukes outside, and the very evening I did that I thought to myself, uh-oh, I don't think I was supposed to do that. The phrase "hardening off" comes to mind. I have lost one cuke and one zucchini, the rest of the zucchini seem like they might make it after all. They have new growth leaves still coming in green and pretty, so we'll see. Where I lost one of them I planted a big, beautiful and robust looking Ichiban eggplant that I bought this week. The remaining cuke and 2 zuchhini I introduced to the out of doors slowly over the course of the week, and yesterday I put them in pots on the deck. We'll see if they do better.

Speaking of pots on the deck, I have some snap peas coming up beautifully. I put a trellis around each pot for them to climb. I don't know if it'll work or not. I also put one bush tomato in a pot, the other in a Topsy Turvey tomato planter out by the garden - no pic yet as my camera battery keeps dying on me. I'll get that up soon.

I planted bush beans in 4 mounds last week and they've come up beautifully this week. The sweet potatos are upright, and it looks like I only lost 1 or 2 (out of the 26 or so I planted). The tomatoes look beautiful, and I have peppers getting large on almost every pepper plant. The beets, radishes and turnips are still going strong. These days when you walk out to the garden, it actually looks like there's something going on out there!!!

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