Monday, June 1, 2009

Split zucchini stem and burgeoning babies

One of my zucchini stems is this a problem?

The melons are getting big!

Here's two beautiful baby cukes!

And the piece de resistance - I harvested my first radish tonight! I had it on a salad for dinner. Delicious!

1 comment:

  1. That split in your Zucchini may be a vine borer entry point. If your plant becomes really wilted, you may not be able to save it. (We lost 2 plants already and are trying to save the rest.

    It looks fine in the photo so they may have gotten in and then died or got eaten by something else. (Yeah!) You can cover up the vine with dirt to protect it.

    Here is a good site which talks about squash vine borers and prevention etc.
