Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Potatoes are flowering!

Here they are - blooming! Does this mean that in a few weeks I'll be able to start harvesting potatoes?

There are little yellow blossoms all over the melon plants...

Cucumbers are also steadily flowering...

And the bush bean blossoms! How delicate and pretty!


  1. Your plants look great! Your cucumber leaves are huge. Let me know if you like the one stake method with the cucumber. Do they wrap around easily or do you still have to attach them? I did the trellis and have to keep attaching as the grow.

  2. I like the stake method, but the one with the curly stake is doing better with the bamboo, as they just don't seem to want to attach to the bamboo. I had to help them - when I saw the little "feelers" (is there a techinical term for that????) curling, I would uncurl them and then recurl around the stake. They quickly reached the top of the stake though, so maybe next year I will trellis them. I suspect that they'll need guidance either way. I'll tell you though, they are really putting out some cucumbers. I'm thinking about figuring out how to pickle....
