Friday, March 19, 2010

What's going on in the garden this week....

A lot, actually! The weather has been just beautiful. My first plants from The Tasteful Garden arrived this week. The "test" peas that I put in the ground a week or more ago began to sprout, so I went ahead and put them all in. I'm going to try growing them up a bamboo pyramid. I can see evidence of kale and turnips sprouting - and I realized this week that one thing that has changed dramatically from last year is that this year I recognize when a seed that I have planted is sprouting, as opposed to just being a weed!

No evidence yet of the beets or turnips. Though I may be seeing my leeks sprouting. I put pansies around in various places, because they're the first flower available to go out in the spring, and because I absolutely have to have something blooming out there to soothe my soul.

The cauliflower I put in became a buffet for slugs immediately - no lie - OVERNIGHT.

After a day or two of this I went on a hunt for the little buggers and found and killed two. I also sprinkled a little salt on the ground around each plant. I may replace them. I'm going to see if they start to perk up any.

I started making the weedless gardening beds that I mentioned in my last post. And I've decided to really go for it laying down the stone paths. One thing I learned last year, when gardening with young children you just cannot do enough to make it obvious where little feet should be stepping and where they shouldn't.

Onions are still...onioning. I got a little concerned because they seemed to be getting yellowish around the outside, but the inner shoots still seem green and strong so I guess they're doing okay.

Ah, and here's the best part of the week. The Wall-E garden my daughter planted.

And finally, last but not least - brussels sprouts doing fine. They're planted in the same place as the cauliflower, but I guess the slugs don't like them. I didn't get any brussels sprouts this fall, so I'm trying again. Hopefully we can get some this summer.

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