Sunday, March 7, 2010

Finally...Some Georgous Weather!!!!!

It was a spectacular weekend. It got up into the SIXTIES!!!

I was able to get tons done outside, getting the garden ready. For one thing, I took down much of the old fencing. I also repaired some of the fence. And I put up 100 feet of new rabbit guard around the area of new garden that my husband has promised to till up for me this week. You can see that it's going to be quite a big area this year. The bottom of the picture, where the newly fenced area is is where the tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, corn and melons will be. Total somewhere around 2400 square feet. About 500 square feet won't be planted till fall, when the fall brassicas will go in. At the moment it is planted with rye grass which will get tilled under this week. It's in the middle left of the fenced in garden space below.

This part of the garden is shaping up to be my favorite. I got beds ready with peat moss and manure compost for beets and carrots that will probably go in as seed beginning next weekend. The area inside the small white picket fence will be a strawberry bed, and we'll also be growing spinach in there.

I got some of the bamboo poles set up this weekend for trellising beans and peas and cucumbers. There are still some more trellises to go in.

You'll see I still have quite a bit of straw down. The area near the top of the photo is from this past fall's sheet mulching project. I'm not sure if it didn't work, or if it takes more than 6 months for all that to break down. There's still cardboard there. That's where the spring brassicas are going to go.

I picked up a few blooming things to put in pots on the deck, but I didn't get to that today. This week I still have some fence work to do, put up the rest of the bamboo poles, prepare the bed where I'll be planting onions and leeks - from seed - and hoping that they come up. :0)

Much happiness. Much exercise. Much sun. Much excitement!!!!

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