Monday, September 21, 2009

White Spot?

I think I'm getting some white spot on a few kale (below left) and collard (below right) leaves. I don't know for sure that's what it is, but my research indicates that white spot is the most likely name for what's going on. I pulled off the affected leaves, and it doesn't seem to be spreading much at all. Not sure at this time what to do about it or if I'll need to do anything about it at all. But it's a situation to keep an eye on.

I've been harvesting a few greens and radishes here and there, but yesterday, with great satisfaction, I brought in my first fall basket full of goodies: kale, collards, lettuce, easter egg radishes, mini red bells, and jalepenos.

Yes, I'm still getting a nice supply of peppers. I'm embarassed to say that I nearly killed my anaheim and did kill off my carmen plant trying to transplant them into pots. BAD MOVE. Though the serrano made it no problem, these other two were much bigger and I guess I disturbed the roots too much. It's really too bad, because I lost what would have been a bumper crop of both of them. I'll know better next time.
An update on my eggplant - it's still hanging in there, but I have yet to eat a single eggplant, since my daughter, in her great enthusiasm, kept picking my babies! I asked her to please not do that again unless I said it was okay. So the very next time we were on the deck, she was playing over near the pots and asked me if it was okay. A little distracted, I said, "Sure, it's okay", not realizing what I was agreeing to. The next thing I know, she'd popped off another baby eggplant. I have not one time fussed at her about this, because I'm happy that she thinks they're as beautiful as I do. But my hopes for eggplant this year have turned into a science experiment about whether or not eggplants picked prematurely will ripen in a window like tomatoes and peppers (they won't). And it looks like all I may get out of my eggplant experiments this year is experience.
But hey, that's okay. Next year I'll have so many eggplants I'm going to turn into an eggplant...

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